Pancham Icon, Helioptile Icon, Heliolisk Icon, Carbink Icon, Hawlucha Icon, Avalugg Icon, Noibat Icon, Noivern Icon Hoopa Back, Volcanion Front, Mega Garchomp Frontīunnelby Front, QC on Mega Houndoom and Greninjaįennekin Icon, Braixen Icon, Delphox Icon, Fletchling Icon, Fletchinder Icon Honedge Front, Volcanion Back, Mega Absol Front Pumpkaboo Fronts, Helioptile Front, Goomy Front, Sliggoo Front, Mega Kangaskhan Babyĭiggersby Front, Barbaracle Front, Meowstic Male and Female Frontįroakie Front, Pancham Front, Malamar Front, Hoopa Front, Volcanion FrontĬhesnaught Front, Fletchinder Front, Mega Manectric FrontĪegislash Front, Diancie Front, Mega Garchomp Frontīraixen Front, Doublade Front, Hoopa Unbound Front, Mega Sableye Front Mega Salamence, Diancie Back, Vivillon Icon, Pyroar Male Icon, Dedenne Icon, Xerneas Icon, Zygarde Icon, Diancie Icon, Hoopa Icon, Hoopa Unbound Icon, Volcanion Icon Litleo, Hawlucha, Dragale Front, Binacle Front, Mega Beedrill Front, QC on Delphoxįlabebe Front, Floette Front and Florges Front, Klefki Sylveon Front, Vivillon Front, Mega Absol Front Layell - Permission to use sprites from the Smogon XY Sprite Project, QC on various sprites from the XY Sprite Project New: G-Max/Mega Evolution Hybrid forms (G-max which now works like a mega form instead)įor allowing (MrDollSteak) to continue the DS-Style 64圆4 Pokemon Sprite Resource,Īrceus-Fairy, Espurr Front, Bergmite Front, Goodra Back, Talonflame Front Basis.Existing Regional Variants + New Chromian Variants.Brand new items in battle which set up effects like weather and terrain.
In fear of a Pokemon rebellion Team Rumble strive to capture the strongest Pokemon so that they can use them as a means of fighting back! They believe that humans are to blame for the state of the planet and the Pokemon will soon be sick of us treating the world the way we do. Team Rumble have their sights set on the legendary Pokemon of the Chroma Region.